When you decide to create your own brand, you must take into account several aspects so that it stands out and is easily recognized for a certain type of clients, who fully identify with it.
The first step to consider is design; where the creatives analyze the different concepts to carry out the desired effect in a certain type of garment. One of them is the print of clothes whose offer in the market is very wide.
Because Medellín is one of the main fashion capitals in Latin America, it has recognized companies with extensive experience in the sector, such as CI EL GLOBO SAS, which offers a diverse portfolio of services, including clothing printing and use of different techniques, both artisanal and industrial, for a perfect finish.
Finding an ideal supplier to carry out this process for your brand requires special conditions, according to the design characteristics; therefore, it is important to choose the right company that suits your needs.
Aspects to consider when choosing a good supplier for your brand:
- A company with a good track record in the textile market and garment customization.
- A good portfolio of services.
- Variety of printing techniques.
- Advice on the ideal clothing print for your garment.
- Professional finish.
- Ease for the elaboration of different processes in the same place.
- Production capacity.
- Experts in the choice of materials and garment transformation.
Another essential characteristic when choosing a good supplier is that the company offers the appropriate solutions for sourcing or complete package services that adjust to the specific needs of the client.
The design, the different proposals, together with the use of different materials and techniques of clothing printing for a certain brand, result in added value to each of the garments.
Making a difference is the key to excel in the field of textile design. For an optimal commercialization of the products, it is essential to offer unique proposals, which are achieved through a series of factors such as the printing of clothes, which lead to the consumer having an element that denotes exclusivity and style.
Nowadays, prints play a preponderant role in personalizing garments, at a time when being different becomes more complicated because few brands are dedicated to delivering unique products.
In companies like C.I. GLOBO S.A.S is about customers accessing a desired clothing print and being able to show the world a different image, with the customization of each of their garments.
Characteristics that a good supplier must have to stamp your brand’s clothing:
- That it has a space and the adequate structure for a good demand for work.
- Likewise, make a detailed study of the type of company that meets your needs to personalize your garment and make the print you need.
- That it be a company that works closely with each client for the elaboration of its design and the obtaining of high quality finishes.
- That both the company and the client keep an exhaustive control of the production at all times, through final approval samples for the printing of clothes.
- Whenever possible, the site where a design is to be carried out is the ideal one to carry out all its stages.
- In conclusion, look for a company where you can elaborate the plan, control and development of the idea for your clothing print.
One of the new trends is the full print technique; This has no limits for its customization, since it offers high quality results, with vivid colors where the ink blends with the fabric, making each of the garments unique.
With this technique gradients and shadows can be made, as well as different effects that can transform a garment into a collector’s item with a particular clothing print.
In C.I. GLOBO S.A.S is always in search of perfection; Our company meets all the conditions to carry out your creative projects through a comprehensive service specialized in stamping clothes, where you will have a technical team made up of highly trained professionals.
Quality and innovation are concepts around which all the company’s processes revolve, and the printing of clothing is part of this package of products, which aims to guarantee full satisfaction.